
About Mappero

Mappero is a map application for maemo, running on the N900 mobile computer.

Formerly known as maemo-mapper, Mappero has a totally new user interface and rendering engine, which makes use of the 3D accelerator in the N900.


  • Support for different configurable maps sources: OpenStreetMaps, Google, Yahoo, Virtual earth and what not.
  • Navigation: turn-by-turn voice navigation (with configurable route providers) in your own language*.
  • GPS tracking
  • File import/export of GPX tracks and routes
  • POI handling

Contributions and donations

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I'm working on Mappero in my spare time, alongside with other software projects and interesting hobbies. Any help with code, graphics, ideas is most welcome. See the Mappero project page to get access to the source code, forums, bug and feature requests tracker.

Money donations are the most concrete way of supporting my work for Mappero, and stimulate me to spend more time on it. Follow this link to donate me a free amount via Paypal — if you are donating with some specific feature request in your mind, don't hesitate to mention it in the donation description; I don't promise I'll ever fulfill it, but it might help.

News and updates

I'm regularly blogging about Mappero in my blog, and that's probably the best way for you to be informed about upcoming features. As I also blog about some other stuff, and often in interlingua (which is a nice international language, que totes pote comprender), you might just want to follow my English blog feed, in which I talk mostly about maemo and Mappero.

* If your language is currently not available, you can contribute your own voice!