New website for Mappero Geotagger, and cross-compiling stuff
Mappero Geotagger has now moved from its previous page from this site to a new, separate website built with the awesome Nikola static website generator.
The main reason for this change is that I didn't have an online space where to host the application binaries, and I wanted to experiment with a different selling method. Now, downloads are (poorly) hidden behind a payment page, whereas in multiple places of the website I also mention that I can provide the application for free to whomever asks for it. While it might seem weird at first, I do honestly believe that this will not stop people from buying it: first of all, many people just think it's fair to pay for a software applications, and secondly, for some people writing an e-mail and establishing a personal contact with a stranger is actually harder than paying a small amount of money. And in all sincerity, the majority of the income I've had so far for Mappero Geotagger came from donations, rather than purchases; so, not much to lose here.
Anyway, since this is primarily a technical blog, I want to share my experiences with cross-building from Linux to Windows. As you might remember, some time ago I switched the build system of Mappero from qmake to QBS, and I haven't regretted it at all. I've managed to build the application in Linux (of course), macOS, as a Debian package on the Ubuntu PPA builders, on Windows with AppVeyor and, last but not least, on Linux for Windows using the mingw setup provided by the MXE project.
QBS worked surprisingly well also in this case, though I had to fight with a small bug on the toolchain detection, which is hopefully going to be fixed soon. For the few of you who are interested in achieving something similar, here's the steps I ran to configure QBS for mingw:
MXE_BASE=<path-to-mxe> MXE_TARGET=x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared # 32 bit or static targets are also available MXE_PROFILE="mxe" QT_PROFILE="${MXE_PROFILE}-qt" qbs setup-toolchains "${MXE_BASE}/usr/bin/${MXE_TARGET}-g++" $MXE_PROFILE qbs config profiles.$MXE_PROFILE.cpp.toolchainPrefix "${MXE_TARGET}-" # temporary workaround qbs setup-qt "$MXE_BASE/usr/$MXE_TARGET/qt5/bin/qmake" ${QT_PROFILE} qbs config profiles.${QT_PROFILE}.baseProfile $MXE_PROFILE
Sorry for using that many environment variables ☺. After qbs is configured, it's just a matter of running
qbs profile:$QT_PROFILE
to build the application. You will get a nice window binary and, once you collect all the needed library dependencies, you'll be able to run it on Windows. Or WINE ☺.
As part of this effort, I also had to build libraw, so I didn't miss the occasion to contribute its recipe to MXE. I'm also trying to get a change accepted, that would make MXE support the dynamic OpenGL selection available since Qt 5.4.
There's also webmention support.