ia: Benvenite! In mi blog io scribe in interlingua, italiano e anglese.

it: Benvenuti! Nel mio blog scrivo in interlingua, italiano e inglese.

en: Welcome! In my blog I write in Interlingua, Italian and English.

YI Livestream with Ubports devices

In the last few days I've been developing a simple application, running on Ubports devices, to setup livestreams on the YI 4K and 4K+ action cameras. These cameras have a WiFi interface and are capable to do live streaming using the rtmp protocol; however, there is no way to setup livestreams by using the camera's own user interface: instead, one has to scan a QR code, containing all the necessary parameters (including WiFi SSID and password, and the rtmp server address). And the problem is, that the companion application which YI provides for generating this QR code is only available for Android and iOS.

That's why, if you have a phone running Ubports and own a YI action camera, you might find use in the application I wrote:

If you do, please feel welcome to get it from the Ubports application store, and report bugs (or wishes) in the issue tracker.

Ubports at the Linux Piter conference

I'm happy (and thankful) for having been invited to speak at the Linux Piter conference in Saint Petersburg on November 2nd. I'll be talking about the Ubports project, which is the community-driven continuation of the Ubuntu Touch effort, driven by Canonical until April 7th, when the project was cancelled.

Demo of Ubuntu convergence in action

The conference talks will be in English and Russian, with simultaneous translation on the other language. The videos will appear a couple of weeks after the conference on the organization's YouTube channel, but in any case I will write a post here — unless, of course, something goes terribly wrong and I feel ashamed of my performance ;-). In order to minimize this risk, I won't be giving a live demo (at least, not before I finish talking on my slides), but I'll take a couple of Ubports devices with me and people are very welcome to come to me and check them out.

As far as I've understood, most of the audience will not be very familiar with Linux-based mobile devices, but I guess that could play into an advantage for me: no difficult questions, yay! ;-)
And I really hope that some member of the audience gets interested in the project and decides to become part of it. We'll see. :-)