ia: Benvenite! In mi blog io scribe in interlingua, italiano e anglese.

it: Benvenuti! Nel mio blog scrivo in interlingua, italiano e inglese.

en: Welcome! In my blog I write in Interlingua, Italian and English.

Cammino quindi penso - 2018-10-15 - I pagliacci dell'informazione

Fermo restando che è il conduttore del programma televisivo a decidere quando e quanto ogni ospite può parlare, questo dovrebbe avvenire con una chiara presa di posizione -- e con una motivazione. Inventare inesistenti problemi di collegamento significa essere disonesti e, secondo me, inadatti ad occuparsi di giornalismo.

Questo video mostra la censura subita da Diego Fusaro nel programma "Le parole della settimana" di Massimo Gramellini.

How to bind-mount a single file

A few days ago, while working on a cool feature for the Ubports project, I met the need to bind-mount a single file into a new directory. While I had used bind-mounts many time before, I always had to deal with directories, and I erroneously assumed that mounting a single file would work in the same way:

$ sudo mount -o ro,bind myfile destdir/

But it doesn't; instead, I got this nice error message:

mount: mount(2) failed: Not a directory

Now that I know what the issue was, the error message seems quite obvious and explicative; but I swear that at the time when I first saw it, I didn't help me at all and I found myself searching for it online, with little luck. Eventually I found the solution to the problem, which, after all, seems pretty logical: when bind-mounting a single file, the destination mount point must also be a regular file.

That is, I should have done:

$ touch destdir/myfile
$ sudo mount -o ro,bind myfile destdir/myfile

I'm leaving it here, in case someone hits this page from a search engine out of despair. :-)