Entratas del anno 2019
- Using the latest QBS on older distributions
- Implementing "Open with…" on MacOS with Qt
- Bussator: implementing webmentions as comments
- On Richard Stallman and people who cannot read
- Principles and privileges
- Migrating to a new Mastodon instance
- Why you shouldn't fly with Aeroflot
- Refugio Carducci
- Ancora un “serpente cec”
- Incontros in le montes
- Looking out for ideas: federated / aggregated content
- Notes on porting the Samsung J3 to Halium + Ubports
- Qbs and code coverage reports
- Pensatas in interlingua - 2019-06-30 - Dracon in le parco
- Intervista al dottor Fabio Franchi sui vaccini
- WIP: changing the backend for contacts in Ubports
- Elezioni: diffidate dei finti sovranisti
- Employing a nazi sympathiser - RedHat under scrutiny
- A critical view on the blockchain
- Promenada photographic in Goteborg
- Cammino quindi penso - 2019-04-09 - Fecondazione artificiale
- Vaccinazione obbligatoria, perché dico no
- Ubports at the LinuxPiter conference
- Cammino quindi penso - 2019-03-12 - Al Bano, un pericolo pubblico
- Cammino quindi penso - 2019-03-05 - Perché ho lasciato Facebook
- Crescer, o abandonar Facebook
- Cammino quindi penso - 2019-02-16 - Un messaggio ad Alessandro Di Battista
- How to be an awesome member of the Free Software community
- Pensatas in interlingua - 2019-02-13 - Exposition de sculpturas de glacie
- Invoking a C++ function from QML, asynchronously
- The Lego Movie 2, un surprisa positive
- Imaginario coming to Windows and MacOS
- Io attende vostre commentos
- Cammino quindi penso - 2019-01-25 - Venezuela, Maduro tra forche e altari
- Choosing a static site generator
- First AppImage for Imaginario
- A Docker image for building portable Qt applications