NOTE: For the desktop version of Imaginario, follow this link
Imaginario is a photo manager application primarily developed for mobile devices running Ubuntu. However, while the current version uses the Ubuntu UI toolkit for its user interface, the core of the application is portable and I don't exclude to port it to other systems in the future. As a matter of fact, I'd love to make a cross platform (Linux, OS X and Windows) desktop version of it.
- Adding metadata to images: tags, geolocation (and soon title and description)
- When possible, metadata is embedded into the image
- Filter pictures by tags, date, geolocation
- Hide pictures containing specific user-defined tags
- Share photos via content-hub
That's certainly not an impressive list, but that's because Imaginario is still in its early stages. Some of the planned features include:
- Organizing tags hierarchically
- Duplicate detection
- Image versioning (when re-importing the same picture from an external editor)
- Face detection
- Face recognition and auto-tagging of people
In no particular order: