ia: Benvenite! In mi blog io scribe in interlingua, italiano e anglese.

it: Benvenuti! Nel mio blog scrivo in interlingua, italiano e inglese.

en: Welcome! In my blog I write in Interlingua, Italian and English.

New desktop application: MiTubo

I've recently started a new project, to enable me to playback videos from online sources in a desktop application: Mitubo.

Here's a terrible video I quickly made to show what MiTubo can currently do:

MiTubo is currently available for Ubuntu 18.04 and later from this PPA and for all other distributions from here as an AppImage package.

You are very welcome to try it out and report issues at its bug tracker. I know that there are many of them, but regardless of them the program is still useful to me, so I hope it can be useful for other people too.

Rilassarsi tra i boschi, in Russia

Al fin de martio, in compania de mi amate consorte, io passava un par de dies in un casetta disperse inter le forestes del Russia, a un centeno de chilometros a nord de Sancte Petroburgo. Illo non esseva vermente “disperse”, viste que illo esseva parte de un village de relaxation constituite de un decena de casettas simile, ma illo esseva comocunque lontan de botecas e de centros habitate. Con un breve promenada de un par de minutas on poteva attinger le ripas del laco Vuoksa, que nos jam habeva cognoscite le estate passate.

Le casetta esseva parve, non plus de cinque metros per latere, ma illo esseva equippate con aqua e electricitate. Io filmava un breve video pro conseniar lo al posteritate (vole ben excusar me pro mi enorme facie barbose al initio):